Nelson Osacky

Lead Solutions Engineer at Gradle

Talk Title

Top Build Performance issues in Android projects – 2023 Edition


Tokyo Room




14:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

In this talk, we will discuss some of the top build performance issues that Android developers face, and provide solutions to these problems.

We will begin by explaining what the Gradle build cache is and how it works. We will then outline the common issues that developers encounter when using Gradle build cache.

We will then demonstrate combining the powerful Build Validation Scripts with automation and notifications to systematically surface new build cache misses and to keep them from reappearing once they have been fixed.

We will close by diving into Artifact Transform insights in Build Scan – the most commonly requested feature by Android developers – and by showing how you can use the new Tests API in Gradle Enterprise to automate your flaky test workflows.

Talk Title

Improving Android Developer Experience with Gradle Build Scans


Tokyo Room




14:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

As a developer, you just want your builds to work but every now and then things go wrong and you need to investigate the build. That investigation sucks up a lot of your time and forces context switching. In this talk we show how build scans can help save a lot of time when you need to find build performance bottlenecks, investigate/troubleshoot CI and build/tool chain failures, visualize your dependencies, etc. to troubleshoot/investigate build issues and accelerate your builds/tests.

From this session you will learn…
- What are Gradle Build Scans?
- When and why would you use a Build Scan?
- Getting started with Build Scans
- Demo: How can I accelerate investigating/troubleshooting Build/CI issues?
- What’s happening in my build (Build Scan Walkthrough)
- What are Tags and Custom Values
- Remote Troubleshooting and collaborating with a colleague
- Troubleshooting Build, CI and Test Failures
- Viewing and Investigating Dependencies
- Viewing and Investigating Plugins and Infrastructure details
- Gradle build tool switches - what features of Gradle Build Tool am I using
- Capturing Android Instrumented / UI tests in the Build Scan test report
- How do I investigate Build Slowdowns and Performance related issues?
- What is a build cache and what are the different Gradle cache types
- Demo: Investigating build performance, parallelization, build cache, timeline view
- Build Caching for custom tasks
- Build Validation Scripts
- Artifact Transforms in Build Scans

Speaker Bio

Former Square in San Francisco. Former SoundCloud in Berlin. Now speeding up builds around the world at Gradle.
