Phil is a Staff Engineer at American Express with a passion for Android development since 2010. He has worked on a wide variety of Android apps for banks, newspapers, startups, television providers, and more. Phil is the maintainer of the ADB Idea plugin for Android Studio, a former Google Developer Expert, and the co-organizer of the first and only edition of Droidcon Montréal.
Philippe Breault
Staff Engineer @ American Express
Coroutines Internals: How The Sausage is Made
This talk is for the curious developer who uses coroutines and wants to understand their inner workings. What does it mean to be a lightweight thread? How are suspensions implemented? What is the role of the compiler in the process?
We'll talk about continuations, thread management, integration points with Android, and we'll even re-implement common suspendable functions. This will be a deep dive, expect to read code, some of which was not meant for most developers to see.