Tunji Dahunsi

Software Engineer

Talk Title

Declarative APIs for Declarative UIs: Designing Media Friendly Jetpack Compose Components


Grand Ballroom 1




10:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

As we consume more content on our devices, it's more important than ever to provide delightful user experiences for media across different navigation destinations, panes within those destinations, and devices and form factors those panes span.

This talk will:

Outline clear selection criteria for what APIs to use in the data and UI layers when building an image serving pipeline in a Jetpack Compose app, along with clear examples of the effect of these choices.

Underscore the importance of the kinds of architectural logic in the UI layer (UI logic and business logic) in relation to producing and displaying rich media (pictures and videos) in apps in Jetpack Compose.

Walk through common user experiences that can be taken to the next level of continuity and immersion with Jetpack Compose by following the principles previously outlined. Examples include shared element transitions and its permutations in list - detail flows across various screen sizes and form factors.

Speaker Bio

Tj is a software engineer on the media foundations team at AirBnb. He’s previously spent 3 years reasearching architecture and testing for Android apps in relation to jetpack compose on the Android Developer Relations team at Google.
