Android Devs
Tech Talks

Learn from the experts.
Be inspired.
Develop connections.
Explore New York.

For 14 years, developers from around the world have gathered at droidcon events to listen to keynote speakers, attend workshops, grow their skills and connect with other passionate Android developers.

droidcon New York 2024 takes place September 19th – 20th.

DROIDCON New York 2024

Thank you all for being at #DCNYC24. We had a blast and are hoping so did you! A huge thank you from us at droidcon to every attendee, speaker, sponsor and volunteer. You all made this another unforgettable event and it was so great to see everyone in person again.


Alice Yuan

Developer Relations Engineer at Google

>>Ask Android

Anant Chowdhary


>>Image Recognition, Object Detection, Model Evaluation and Customization with MediaPipe on Android

Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez

Android Engineer @ Groupon, Kotlin GDE

>>Kotlin Coroutine Mechanisms: Introduction to coroutine behavior through playful examples

Alexey Bykov

Senior Software Engineer at Reddit & Android GDE

>>How we boosted ExoPlayer performance by 30%

Ahmed El-Helw

Principal Mobile Engineer

>>Scaling Android Development without a Monorepo

Abdulahi Osoble

Senior Software Engineer @Careem

>>Scaling Android Development without a Monorepo

Ty Smith

Principal Engineer at Uber, Platform Engineering

>>Mobile Developer Productivity Panel

Sumayyah Ahmed

Android Tech Lead at Square

>>Making the Big Kotlin Multiplatform Decision

Sebastian Aigner

Developer Advocate at JetBrains

>>Compose Multiplatform on iOS: On the Road to Stable

Pierre-Yves Ricau

L8 Android Engineer at Square

>>Root causing memory growth with LeakCanary 3

Matt McKenna

Android at Square, Android GDE

>>Hue-manize Your Android Apps: Develop for Color Blindness

Kevin Galligan

Touchlab Technology Partner

>>The Future of Android, Kotlin, and Everything

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Huge Thank You to our partner Touchlab for developing the conference app!

Many thanks to our amazing sponsors that help support droidcon
and the Android developer community
