John Rodriguez

Android and Developer Productivity

Talk Title

Writing your own Gradle Plugin: A Deep Dive


Grand Ballroom 1




16:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

Want to improve some aspect of your Gradle builds? Don't know how?

In this session, we'll talk about:
* Configurations and why understanding them is important
* The lifecycle of a Gradle build and how to architect your plugin around it
* What a few well-known plugins do well and what we can learn from them

We'll also walk through an actual plugin I've written to solve a real problem.

Talk Title

A Snapshot Preview of Paparazzi 2.0


Fountain Room




09:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

Since last Droidcon NYC, Paparazzi has seen continued increased adoption across the Android community!

In this session, we'll discuss:
* why pixel perfection is challenging af
* image encoding and why we chose APNG for animations
* why Google's publishing of layoutlib is great for the community
* ...and more!

We'll also give a sneak peek to what's coming in 2.0, as well as why we're excited about it and you should be too!

Speaker Bio

John is an Android engineer who previously worked on Cash App and Square’s Point-of-Sale and Developer SDK teams. He is the lead maintainer for Paparazzi and has contributed to LeakCanary, Picasso and Wire.
