Sebastian Aigner

Developer Advocate at JetBrains

Talk Title

Compose Multiplatform on iOS: On the Road to Stable


Sapphire Room




15:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

Compose Multiplatform on iOS is in Beta, making it the perfect time to start giving it a try! Let’s take a closer look at what the team at JetBrains has done to get here, and have an exclusive look at the subjects we’re getting ready as we move toward a stable release!

That includes the ecosystem – well-established Jetpack libraries such as Navigation, ViewModel, DataStore, Lifecycle, and even Room are now available in Kotlin Multiplatform projects. Through practical examples, we’ll explore how building well-architected cross-platform apps with Kotlin is easier than ever.

In multiple live demos, we’ll see how the new common APIs can be used in practice, how they fit smoothly into Compose Multiplatform, and how they integrate naturally with iOS. We’ll also see some of the tooling improvements we at JetBrains are making around previews, common resources, and more.

Compose Multiplatform brings your established skill set to new platforms. And it’s ready for you to start building – on iOS, Android, and beyond!

Speaker Bio

As a Kotlin and Compose Multiplatform Developer Advocate at JetBrains, Sebastian spends a lot of time thinking about how technology can advance and inspire people. When he first tried Kotlin, it was love at first sight. He is one of the hosts of the Talking Kotlin podcast, and creates videos for the official Kotlin YouTube channel. Sebastian loves to develop networked applications, uses Kotlin on a variety of platforms, and passionately tinkers on his programs until late into the night.
