Abdulahi Osoble

Senior Software Engineer @Careem

Talk Title

Bootstrapping Simple Server Driven Ui from a Design System


Dubai Room




15:25 > 40 min


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In this talk, we will dive into the concept of using a design system to bootstrap a server-driven UI implementation using Compose on Android and SwiftUI on iOS. We will explore the benefits of bootstrapping SDUi from a design system. We'll discuss the advantages and limitations of this approach.

In addition, we'll also talk about how Kotlin Multiplatform can be used to build some interesting tooling around server-driven UI. We'll explore some examples of such tooling and discuss how it can help in streamlining the development process.

Attendees will learn the key concepts and techniques involved in using a design system to bootstrap a server-driven UI implementation.

Talk Title

Scaling Android Development without a Monorepo







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As mobile startups grow into medium sized companies, it's not always possible to have a monorepo. In this talk, we'll discuss how some strategies and tooling can help us ship and manage an Android app across a large number of repositories. We'll also discuss some of the problems we run into and how we can solve them.

We'll discuss topics such as:
- binary compatibility - why it's important and how we handle it (especially when a bump in a shared library might cause a crash in a completely different part of the app).
- tooling to understand changes to the dependency tree (what version changes occurred, what versions are behind, and catching these at CI).
- sharing Gradle build plugins to make life easier.
- code generation strategies to share code between Android and iOS.
- and more

We’ll also discuss a high level of the architectural decisions that allow adding or removing major pieces of functionality through just adding or removing a dependency to the Gradle script, and how this architecture gives us some neat advantages along the way.

Speaker Bio

Abdulahi work as part of the Food android team responsible for the food delivery app for customers. Previously he worked with the Captain team responsible for the captain app of Careem.
