Dan Peluso has been a mobile engineer since he’s been coding, and is currently working for Peloton doing Android work. On the side, he is a local musician and active member of the Google Development community, and enjoys making Flutter web apps both personally and professionally.
Dan Peluso
The Critical Need for More Android Mentors
Android Development can be considered an untraditional software discipline. While many young professionals are drawn to trendy positions like AI and Blockchain Engineering or traditional roles such as Backend and Web Development, Mobile is becoming less and less popular in the modern workspace. Many universities do not adequately educate for these roles, so it is up to us to inspire younger engineers to join our field. This session will overview the history of mobile development as a professional career, and the current position of the role amongst others. It will also discuss the benefits of becoming a mentor, and I'll share some incredibly rewarding moments and lessons I've taken from my time teaching Android.