Dan Peluso

Android Engineer @ Peloton

Talk Title

Coupling Compose: Interoperability in a Legacy Codebase


Dubai Room




13:30 > 40 min


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Struggling to use Compose in the context of an existing XML view codebase? Looking for ways you can convince higher-ups at your company that Compose should be the standard for front-end Android development? 

While Jetpack Compose has tons of developmental advantages, it can be tricky to justify changing what works in a legacy codebase. This talk will follow the case of using Compose within a legacy architecture as well as using Java XML views within Compose UI components. Compose is often shown in the context of replacing legacy views entirely - this presentation aims to prove that you can add it in any level of existing UI, and discuss the effects of utilizing Compose alongside legacy code.

Talk Title

The Critical Need for More Android Mentors







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Android Development can be considered an untraditional software discipline. While many young professionals are drawn to trendy positions like AI and Blockchain Engineering or traditional roles such as Backend and Web Development, Mobile is becoming less and less popular in the modern workspace. Many universities do not adequately educate for these roles, so it is up to us to inspire younger engineers to join our field. This session will overview the history of mobile development as a professional career, and the current position of the role amongst others. It will also discuss the benefits of becoming a mentor, and I'll share some incredibly rewarding moments and lessons I've taken from my time teaching Android.

Speaker Bio

Dan is a Android Developer and creative hobbyist who has been working with Android for the past 5 years. With experience across both startups and larger enterprises, he specializes in uniform app experiences and modern UI/UX practices. Working with Compose from its alpha stages, he considers himself to be an advocate in Compose across all levels of Android development scale.
