Pavlo Stavytskyi

Sr. Staff Software Engineer at Turo

Talk Title

Migrating Android apps from Fragments to Jetpack Compose with Nibel


Paris Room




15:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

While the engineering community is excited about adopting Jetpack Compose, in reality, we all have existing codebases that rely on a legacy UI stack.

In this talk, I will share how we designed a Jetpack Compose architecture at Turo that provides seamless integration in the existing fragment-based codebase. It is now available as Nibel - an open-source navigation library.

I will cover how we leveraged the power of Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) API to build an abstraction over the navigation that enables easy multi-module navigation out-of-the-box and covers the following navigation scenarios:
• fragment to compose
• compose to compose
• compose to fragment

Speaker Bio

Pavlo is a Google Developer Expert for Android and Kotlin. He works at Turo as Sr. Staff Software Engineer. Previously he worked at Lyft on mobile infrastructure. He develops Android apps, focusing on mobile performance, developer productivity, and infrastructure.
