Rebecca Franks

Developer Relations Engineer at Google

Talk Title

Practical Magic with Animations in Compose


Paris Room




14:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

Are you constantly in awe of the animations your designer creates but have no idea how to implement them? Or maybe you want to keep your users engaged by adding delightful little treats in your app... There are a few key principles that unlock a wide range of different animations, from basic to advanced. We will go through some practical examples of how to implement animations in Jetpack Compose, such as working with gestures to control animations and how to do state based animations. Join us to learn how to think about implementing any animation in a step-by-step way.

Speaker Bio

Rebecca Franks is a Developer Relations Engineer at Google on the Android Team, focused on Jetpack Compose. She has been an Android Developer since 2012 and loves creating beautiful, fluid UIs.
