Rikin Marfatia

Android Tinkerer @ Supergooey

Talk Title

Unlocking the Power of Shaders in Android with AGSL and Jetpack Compose


Paris Room




16:20 > 40 min


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Want to learn some new ways to create engaging, interactive, and visually stunning UIs?Shaders are scary but powerful tools that, when wielded correctly, can help us make some cool and complex effects. With the new AGSL, we can create custom programmable shaders that can really spruce up our Android apps and make our UIs pop!

In this talk, we will dive into the world of shaders and AGSL, and explore how we can use them in a practical way. We will cover some shader basics to build a foundation. Then we will learn a bit about AGSL and how we can setup Runtime Shaders in a Compose UI app. Finally we'll look at some really cool examples of shader-driven UI in the wild.

Key Takeaways:
- Gain a deeper understanding of Shaders and AGSL
- Learn how to integrate shaders with Compose
- See some practical use-cases for shaders in an Android app
- Become comfortable with complex tech and push the boundaries of Android UIs

Let's unlock our full potential as UI developers!

Talk Title

Lost in the Weeds – Exploring Navigation Libraries for Compose







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One of the most interesting and confusing parts of apps today is navigation. There seems to be so many different ways to go about it: Is it a side effect of your UI layer, is it modeled in the state somehow? Also where do transitions and animations fit in?

This fact hasn't changed for Compose-first apps, and I REALLY wanna know the best way to add navigation into my apps.

In this talk we'll explore the concept navigation in detail and build our mental model of what navigation in compose is. Then we'll explore three libraries that try and solve navigation in very different ways:

- Jetpack Navigation
- Appyx
- Circuit

By the end, you will be equipped with the knowledge to create the best and most compelling navigation experiences for your own apps.

Speaker Bio

I’m an Android developer who wants to build better Android apps and snowboard as much as possible.
