Ryan Newsom

Staff Android Engineer @ Hinge

Talk Title

Coroutine-Driven Android Billing: Use Cases, Fallbacks, and Functional Programming


Sydney Room




16:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

In this technical deep-dive, I share my hands-on experience rewriting the Google play billing integration for Hinge. Our overhaul paved the way for faster feature integrations and reduced refunds. This was achieved by leveraging coroutines, functional programming techniques, use cases and unit testing to construct a reliable, robust, and resilient system.

Attendees will gain insights into:

Streamlining Billing Systems: Understand the complexities and challenges involved in rewriting an entire billing integration from scratch. Learn how to plan, execute, and navigate potential pitfalls in such a refactor.

Functional Programming & Coroutines: Discover how using functional programming techniques and coroutines can enhance your development process, simplify concurrency, and make your code more maintainable.

Robust Fallback Mechanisms: Learn how to design efficient fallback mechanisms to ensure purchases are processed, even when unexpected interruptions occur during the app lifecycle. This process greatly improved our customer experience and resulted in a decrease in automatic refunds.

Use Case Architecture: Delve into the use of use case architecture, a design pattern that improves code readability, maintainability, and testability, and how it played a key role in our successful integration.

Monitoring: The monitoring & logging we put in place before the rewrite to make sure we didn't degrade the user experience or purchase conversions, and also to quantify any lifts we generated.

With over 8 years of Android development experience and having successfully deployed this billing system to millions of users, I bring a wealth of real-world knowledge and learnings to share with attendees. This discussion will be especially beneficial to those working on or interested in large-scale app development and monetization strategies. Regardless of your familiarity with Kotlin, functional programming, unit testing, or Google's Billing Library, you'll walk away with actionable insights and strategies to enhance your Android development toolkit.

Speaker Bio

I’ve been building Android apps since 2015 and have a degree in Computer Science. Prior to working at Hinge in NYC, I was the lead Android engineer @ Voyager.
